HIO - Holiday Inn Oxford
HIO stands for Holiday Inn Oxford
Here you will find, what does HIO stand for in Hospitality under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Holiday Inn Oxford? Holiday Inn Oxford can be abbreviated as HIO What does HIO stand for? HIO stands for Holiday Inn Oxford. What does Holiday Inn Oxford mean?The United Kingdom based company is located in Oxford, Oxfordshire engaged in hospitality industry.
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Alternative definitions of HIO
- Hillsboro, Oregon USA
- High Income Opportunity Fund, Inc.
- Western Asset High Income Opportunity Fund, Inc.
- Husky Intelligence Oy
- Home Ideas Online
- Hotel Indigo Ottawa
- Health Insuring Organization
View 9 other definitions of HIO on the main acronym page
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- HANFGI HAN Feng Global Inc.
- HMS Hands Marketing Services
- HGM House of God Ministry
- HOME Humanitarian Organisation for Migration Economics
- HRN Horse Radio Network
- HIBS Hello Infinity Business Solutions
- HBA Hale Brown Architects
- HHAG Huber Holding AG
- HPI Harvest Printing Inc.
- HHIS Hagan Hamilton Insurance Solutions
- HCHH Hill Country Home Health
- HLP Headshot London Photography
- HSTI Hooks Systems Technology Inc.
- HHNH Holly Hill Nursing Home
- HNY Home New York